How to Have Younger Looking Skin Starting In Just 7 Days - eBook

How to Have Younger Looking Skin Starting In Just 7 Days - eBook

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eBook Now Available Now you can start to have younger looking skin in just one week and in just 30 days you will be well under way to a more youthful look.

Learn how to reduce wrinkles naturally utilizing ear dot magnets. It's easy, simple and has no side effects.
  • How you can smooth fine lines and tighten your skin
  • It's the rage in anti-aging health spas
  • Facial magnetic therapy works
  • Just 30 minutes a day
  • Magnetic Therapy "Maps"
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  • "Quick Fix Map - 60 minute magic"
  • Article in First for women
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  • Non-Surgical Facial Tonification
  • What are the things that are harmful to the skin?
  • The Importance of Natural Vitamin Supplements
  • Complimentary products for a non-surgical face lift.

Application of Facial Magnets:

1. Cleanse the face before applying the Facial Magnets
2. Make sure your face is completely dry before taping the magnets to your selected "Maps" .
3. Use a tweezer to remove the magnetic pellets from the magnetic pellet holder.
4. Using your fingers, place the magnetic facial pellets to the desired "Facial Therapy Maps"
5. Press the magnetic pellet firmly in place.
6. The pellet should remain in place for "30 minutes."
7. If you want to reuse the magnetic pellet ( pellets can be reused for up to three applications if properly replaced on the pellet pad ) carefully remove the magnetic pellet and with a tweezer place the pellet back on the pellet pad.
8. You will "start" to notice a change in about 7 days.
9. In 30 days the process of diminishing your wrinkles will be well under way.
10. To obtain maximum results may take time. Once you feel you have reached your goal give yourself a facial tuneup once a week to maintain desired results

The impact of aging, which happens to all of us, can be reduced by the use of magnets. Many people experience a "natural face lift" by achieving a younger look. By placing magnets on specific "maps", the blood circulation in the face increases, facial color increases as well as muscle tone. This will promote a healthy youthful glow. How Long Will It Take To Notice My Results? Just 30 minutes of using facial magnet therapy will make you feel fresher and you will notice a lessening of the lines in your face, it is really magical and long lasting.

After 7 days you will start to notice a difference and after 3 weeks, the rejuvenation process will be well under way.
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