Ame Maxtens 2000 Digital
AME TENS 2000 Digital Unit
The TENS ( Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) unit is a non-invasive,
drugless method of controlling pain.
The TENS ( Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) unit is a non-invasive,
drugless method of controlling pain.
TENS uses tiny electrical impulses sent through the skin to nerves to
modify your pain perception.
TENS units help control the pain
FREE Shipping on Our TENS Units* and Self Adhering Electrodes
This unit features:
- Dual channels with adjustable intensity
- Adjustable pulse width from 50 to 250 microseconds
- Adjustable pulse rate from 1 to 150 Hz
- Burst mode occurs twice every second
- Pulse ampulitude adjustable, 0 to 80 mA peak into 500 ohm load on each channel
- Pulse width adjustable frequency = 100 Hz
- Modulation mode: pulse rate is automatically varied in a cyclic pattern over an interval of nominally 10 seconds (in max 150 Hz). Pulse rate decreases linearly over a period of 4 seconds from the control setting value. The lower pulse rate will continue for 1 second then increase linearly over 4 second period to its orginal value. The pulse rate will continue for 1 second and then the cycle is repeated.
- Constant mode
- Timer for 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 minutes or continuous
- Voltage: 0 to 40 V (Load: 500 ohm)
- Hard plastic carrying case
- Package of four SELECTRODE Plus electrodes
- Power Supply: 9 volt battery
- Set of wires
- Instruction Manual.
It also carries a one year warranty.
Don't forget to order extra electrodes when you order you order your TENS unit./B>
*Free Shipping Offers Limited To Continental US